If anyone's dad is embarrassed to be on this site (..or he doesn't even know that he is on this site because you know he will be embarrassed... oops-SORRY DAD!), Grandpa has just slapped some sense into him with this epic pic! I can just hear him now;
"Short? hrmh! You call them short? In MY day, if you weren't showing skin higher than the upper thigh area, you weren't a MAN yet! Look at ME- I wore the shortest swim trunks of them all, and I was treated as a GOD! I would toss around anyone who threatened me in their
short-shortiness! This is how we won the war!"
Uhh...ok, grandpa....
Thanks to Jon for the earliest example of short man-garments since the loincloth!
See his movie!! (www.letthemchirpawhile.com)
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