Sunday, November 29, 2009

Triathalon Dad

A Dad in the life:
0900 hours: Wake up and get a sweet tan before hitting the kiddie pool. Upper thighs especially. Tropical dragon towel? Check.

1100 hours: Quick workout on the old Big Wheel. Few spins around the yard oughtta do it.

1130 hours: Upgrade to the more challenging Tricycle model. Get baby Jennifer to spot.

Rest of the day: Keep on rockin'.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Dainty Dad

Is it me, or is this dad too dainty looking to own a pickup truck? He is not fooling anyone by posing in front of this Datsun whilst in a ballet second position with ruched tube socks and belted denim cutoffs. Its like when dad told you that he would take you "camping", but that really just meant staying at a Motel 6 on the way to some convention on the art of macrame plant hangers.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Whoa, Dad- um.. what's going on here? Is that Uncle Bruce? I'm sorry, I'm blinded by too much hair and sexual confusion... Was this picture from your "bachelor party" that you never talk about in front of mom? Are you even wearing shorts in this pic? ....You know what? Its OK dad, there is nothing wrong with having a super fun time with your other scantily-clad man-friends. SEE?

Monday, November 16, 2009

I've got some Dad news...

Ouch! Those stairs were more dangerous than they look. At least it wasn't a wardrobe malfunction.

Weekend Dad

Sometimes you wake up at 2pm on a Sunday, is it Sunday? And you don't want to make the bed or buy new milk for the cereal. You just want to hang on the leather couch with the teddy bear. Did you catch this week's episode of Cheers? What's that look for? I was supposed to pick up who now? Oh crap.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Daredevil Dad

Dads and motorcycles go together like seeing something and saying something.

But the lone DAREDEVIL DAD, like bigfoot, is rarely spotted. Some say he speed-o's in the night, but no one knows for sure...

Friday, November 6, 2009

Lemonade Made Dad-Style

Step on up to try some of the best roadside moonshine in town. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"Why, when I was your age" Dad

Poppi is teaching little Junior over there an important lesson about respect and hard work. and boat shoes...and short shorts.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Never-Nude Dad

We are reminded of a time when cut offs were an acceptable bathing suit substitution. Or maybe he just never takes them off...